With a few small steps and consideration, you can easily make your e-commerce business stand out.Packaging played a huge role in a customer’s perspective on a product. Most of the time people are willing to pay more for an item if it’s packaged and presented well. Businesses spend a lot of money for packaging and it is for good reasons. Proper, creative packaging can help your product stand out from the rest. Here are a few ways you can make your packaging extra special.Looks matterWe are attracted to beautiful things and packaging is an awesome way to make your product have a good impression. Rather than going for a plane and boring box consult a designer and make a creative way of packaging. Having a nice and quirky design can add a lot to a product. If you can create a wow factor as soon as your customer receives your product they are bound to do business with you again.Eco-FriendlyPeople are getting more and more conscious about the environment and they should rightly do so. By having echo friendly packaging not only would you be helping the environment but it will also create a good impression in your customer’s mind. Furthermore, eco-friendly packaging options generally look better and different and this can help your package to stand out. Having a difference in your product can make it a point of discussion can even act as a form of marketing.Promote RecyclingIf having eco-friendly material as packaging is not possible to make sure that your packaging is recyclable. If you use plastic for packaging work with some plastic manufacturers Sydney to make a something that your customers can reuse. This may be a bit expensive but your customers will be willing to pay that amount if they feel that it’s special.PersonaliseMaking something personal can add a whole dimension to a product. Most of the time it is not possible to personalize a product but personalizing packaging can be easier. This can be as simple as putting in a personal thank you letter inside the packaging to something a bit more creative. Especially if your product in more towards the expensive side this will make the customers feel good about spending and will make sure you get a return sale.Package insertsPackaging inserts can be a great way to sneak in some extra marketing. Adding a few flyers for your products or a coupon inside the package will be a great way to get a customer’s attention and to make sure they do business with you again. You can even make the flyer useful such as a bookmark printed on a small plastic sheet. The fact that your customer will use this will make sure other people see it as well. View more here http://www.corex.net.au/products/view/id:1/title:Corflute%C2%AE+Sheet.